Our Father, who is now in Heaven,
Was “Dad” to each of us.
From Tom, Don & Clark, to Carol, Paul & Ruth and then Dan,
He was simply, … Dad.
As we saw him in our own light, He was undoubtedly something of a different reflection to each of us. Yet, all the while, he mirrored to all his clear commitment to God. That commitment was both singular in purpose and consistent in nature. By his actions in life, it was clear that he was intent on serving the Lord with all his life and loving Mom with all of his Heart.
Throughout the course of each of our lives, Dad displayed daily, that he Loved the Lord, loved farming, and most especially, loved our Mom … Audrey. He vocalized often that Mom was the genius behind any success that he may have had. To each of his children, born and raised through four decades, Dad vocalized the fact that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and that the best thing that ever happened to him was Mom.
Over the years, we have all heard from one source or another that the measure of a man is his family. Ironically, regardless of who the speaker was, to us, this statement only made sense when we thought of the love between our Mom and Dad.
So, IF the measure of a man is his family, then, a hi children, well, we think Dad has done ok.
However, IF the measure of our Dad is Serving the Lord with all of his Life, and Loving Mom with all of his Heart, then we know that our Dad, truly ran with endurance The Life that was set before him.